Saturday, December 28, 2019

Commonly Misspelled Words Quiz

In each of the following pairs, only one is a word; the other is a common misspelling of that word. Guided by the brief definition, see if you can identify the correctly spelled word in each set. Then compare your answers to those on the bottom of the page. Commonly Misspelled Words The act or process of absorbing something; occupying the full attention or interest.(a)  absorbtion  (b)  absorptionHappening unexpectedly or by chance. (a)  accidentally  (b)  accidentlyLying beyond what is evident; deliberately and deceptively concealed.  (a)  alterior  (b)  ulteriorRelating to the North Pole or the region near it. (a)  Arctic  (b)  ArticThe character * used as a reference mark in printing. (a)  asterick  (b)  asterisk  At a basic level or in a basic manner. (a)  basically  (b)  basiclyAcknowledging someones achievements or good fortune.  (a)  congradulations  (b)  congratulationsCertain, clearly defined, having distinct limits.  (a)  definate  (b)  definiteTerrible, calamitous. (a)  disasterous  (b)  disastrousTo cause someone to feel self-conscious or ill at ease.  (a)  embarass  (b)  embarrassA perfect example of a class or type.  (a)  epitome  (b)  epitomyThe systematic study and desc ription of a language.  (a)  grammar  (b)  grammerSerious, grave, causing pain or anguish.  (a)  grievious  (b)  grievousA sweet white confection.  (a)  marshmallow  (b)  marshmellowThe science of numbers and their operations.  (a)  mathematics  (b)  mathmaticsA low indistinct sound; an abnormal sound of the heart.  (a)  murmer  (b)  murmurA legislative body or a formal conference for the discussion of public affairs.  (a)  parliament  (b)  parlimentA right or privilege held by a person or group.  (a)  perogative  (b)  prerogativeWithin the limits of ability.  (a)  possible  (b)  possableA right or immunity granted as a benefit or favor.  (a)  priviledge  (b)  privilegeEndorse as fit or worthy.  (a)  recommend  (b)  recomendIrreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or thing.  (a)  sacreligious  (b)  sacrilegiousNot fully worked out or agreed on.  (a)  tenative  (b)  tentativeA disastro us event.  (a)  tradegy  (b)  tragedyWordiness.  (a)  verbage  (b)  verbiage Here are the  correct answers  to the Quiz on 25 Commonly Misspelled Words. (b) absorption(a) accidentally(b) ulterior(a) Arctic(b) asterisk(a) basically(b) congratulations(b) definite(b) disastrous(b) embarrass(a) epitome(a) grammar(b) grievous(a) marshmallow(a) mathematics(b) murmur(a) parliament(b) prerogative(a) possible(b) privilege(a) recommend(b) sacrilegious(b) tentative(b) tragedy(b) verbiage Next:Only One Is a Word: Another Quiz on Commonly Misspelled Words

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